Drone Flying Adventures (Gr. 1-5)

  9/27/2024 - 12/13/2024
  3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
  Walnut Springs Elementary School
  Scott Zimmerman Drone Together

Registration is now closed


Drone Together is excited to bring our exhilarting and innovative drone flying experience to Dripping Springs ISD again this spring.  Come have fun spending time in one of the fastest growing spaces in technology - drone flying.  All flying abailities are welcome, as we build on basic flying skills to advance to more challenging and exciting opportunities.  Some of the opportunities include tricks, team flying challenges, flying adventures, obstacle design and course design.  All activities are designed to be collaborative, fun and safe for all students.  Come see what all the buzz is about and join us as we zoom, flip and soar our way through an exciting season of learning.


CSE  -  Tues, Feb 20 - Apr 30   -   3:15 - 4:30 pm

DSE -   Mon, Feb 26 - May 13   -   3:15 - 4:30 pm

RSE -   Fri, Feb 23 - May 17   -   3:15 - 4:30 pm

SSE -   Thurs, Feb 22 - May 2   -   3:15 - 4:30 pm

WSE -  Wed, Feb 21 - May 1   -   3:15 - 4:30 pm

Fee: $300        10 Classes           

Instructor: Drone Together Staff