Tee It Up - TGA Premier Junior Golf (Gr. 1-5)

  9/23/2024 - 11/18/2024
  3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
  Cypress Springs Elementary
  Michelle Tomek TGA Premier Golf

Registration is now closed


TGA Premier Junior Golf brings the golf course to your school! Our national, award winning, 5 level program is specially designed for children and builds upon the educational concepts they are learning in the classroom including math and science. Fun comes first in every TGA class, but our curriculum also focuses on improving motor skills and physical fitness as well as instilling self confidence and life values through professional golf instruction. Students learn the fundamentals, etiquette and rules of the game in the comfortable environment of your school campus. Best of all, we provide all the equipment and training materials so children of all skill levels have the chance to come out and tee it up with TGA!

CSE          Mon, Sept 23 - Nov 18        3:15 - 4:30 pm

DSE          Tues, Sept 24 - Nov 12       3:15 - 4:30 pm

RSE          Thurs, Sept 26 - Nov 21      3:15 - 4:30 pm

SSE          Wed, Sept 25 - Nov 13       3:15 - 4:30 pm

WSE         Fri, Sept 27 - Nov 22          3:15 - 4:30 pm

Fee: $270                  8 Classes

Instructor: TGA Premier Golf Staff