Play Together with TGA Pickleball (Gr 1-5)

  9/23/2024 - 11/18/2024
  3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
  Rooster Springs Elementary School
  Michelle Tomek TGA Premier Tennis

Registration is now closed


In partnership with Franklin, TGA has developed a program curriculum designed to develop young players’ skills and passion for America’s fastest growing sport. We use equipment and courts tailored to the size and ability of young players making it easier for kids to hold, swing, and connect with the ball. We teach children the game of pickleball through easy-to-understand concepts and interactive games that are fun and encouraging. Using skill-based drills that can be done anywhere (indoors or outdoors, at school , or on the pickleball court), students develop the fundamentals, explore academic concepts through game play, and practice life skills -- such as sportsmanship and respect.

DSE           Wed Sept 25 - Nov 13            3:15 - 4:30 pm

RSE           Mon Sept 23 - Nov 18            3:15 - 4:30 pm

SSE           Fri Sept 27 - Nov 22               3:15 - 4:30 pm

WSE          Tues Sept 24 - Nov 12            3:15 - 4:30 pm

Fee: $270                    8 Classes

Instructor: TGA Premier Pickleball Staff